You’ll notice below that my total
hours since moving to full-time freelance have actually decreased. That’s because all my freelance hours are billable and not wasted in back to back meetings like in my old “9-5.” Beyond the obvious reasons above, there are a few other reasons to go freelance that rarely get talked about. Low barrier to entry No more 9-5 Infinite career growth Complete control 1. Low barrier to entry Unlike many other entrepreneurial adventures, freelancing in SEO doesn’t have to be insanely expensive. Sweat equity goes a long way in the SEO industry. In fact, the list below accounts for 90% of the tools I use in my freelancing services. Keyword research & link analysis tool – $99/m Web crawling/diagnostics tool – I use ScreamingFrog ($193/annually)—but you could use Ahrefs’ Site Audit to save on this cost.Accounting software to track income, expenses, invoicing, etc. – I use QuickBooks indian phone number for $50/m. Proposal software – I use Prospero for $8/m. Time tracking software - I use Harvest for $12/m. Google Analytics & Google Search Console - Free For under $200 per month, you can set yourself up with the tools it takes to crush the search results. The best part is that you don’t even need to invest this money until you already have revenue coming in the door. 2. No more 9-5 When I went freelance full-time, I struggled with the idea of not working 9-5. Despite getting my work done, it felt like I was doing something wrong by not sitting at my desk.
This is a habit that working 10+ years for someone else has instilled in me. If you get your work done and are available to your clients during business hours, it doesn’t matter if you’re sitting at your desk or playing golf at any hour of the day. 3. Infinite career growth I’ll never forget the conversations that I had with various leaderships about promotions and raises. It always seemed that you needed to do more, earn more revenue, train more junior employees. Only then (if they agreed) would you get rewarded with a promotion and or raise. Don’t rely on other people to advance your career and or earnings. Going freelance full-time allows you to own 100% of your growth and income. 4.