A contest specialist at GWI
BrightonSEO sends recordings of all the talks to attendees. Thisis super helpful because the schedule’s always packed with interesting talks,and you have to make some tough choices on which to attend in person. This talkwas given by Jenna Kamal, I. Kamal starts byexplaining that search has become more and more conversational. This isevidenced by the increasing use of voice searches (whetherthrough Google or an assistant like Siri) and, of course,conversational AIs Chinese Thailand Phone Number List like ChatGPT. This means that now more than ever, Searchlooks like questions: How do I swing a golf club? When was the sandwichinvented? Who was the first person in space? Not only is it conversational, butwe also see from Featured Snippets that most queries are: • Immediate. I needto know something now. • Summarised. Give me the
broad strokes. • Numbers-based. I need a statistic. (I’m either atwork trying to win an argument, or I’m at the pub trying to win an argument.)Upon seeing this, Kamal’s initial strategy was to generate tons and tons ofshort-form blog content that would answer a single question each time.Unfortunately, this didn’t work too well. But, it did pave the way for a newstrategy based on long-form content that helped GWI gain thousands of