Prioritize improvement measures Generally speaking
The pages with the highest potential are those that used to rank highly, but are no longer ranked highly . In the past, Google evaluated these pages. This means that if you carefully modify these pages, you can once again improve your ranking with Google. The next page with the highest potential is a page with a high number of impressions but an extremely low CTR . However, compared to the pages in the above groups, it has a lower priority. Modifying these pages is difficult. This is because there is no track record of high performance. How to update old content We have completed prioritizing pages for updates. The next step is to improve the rankings of ``pages that used to be ranked high, but are no longer ranked high ." Keywords that are not displayed in the top 5 or keywords that are displayed frequently are suitable candidates for correction. Check if the article content is related to the search keyword. If the relevance is weak, modify the article content to include at least the relevant keywords and add relevant topics. For India Phone Number keywords that already appear in the top 5, use Ubersuggest . Enter your keywords into Ubersuggest and click Report for Keyword Ideas. '' Log in to Search Console, find the page you want, click on it, and click "Query.
You should see long-tail keywords related to your keyword in the report. You can increase your search traffic by modifying your articles to match the long-tail keywords you get from Ubersuggest and including those topics. In other words, if you're already ranking high for big keywords, your chances of ranking high for the long tail will also increase . Add appropriate keywords and update your articles. Make sure all information is relevant and update your photos.