This class includes retail trade through mail order houses or via the Internet
本帖最後由 sharminmoni3235 於 2024-3-10 13:35 編輯The constitutive act in the original; use a predefined template for drafting the constitutive act: LLC single associate , LLC multiple associates , simple limited partnership , collective name ); The document certifying the right of use over the space intended for corporate headquarters and, if applicable, the document certifying the right of use over the space intended for secondary headquarters; Identity documents of the founders, administrators, censors or auditors; As the case may be, the authentic declaration, in the original and on his own responsibility, of the natural person who is a foreign citizen in his own name or as a representative of the foreign legal entity that is not tax registered in Romania and, as the case may be, the translation of the declaration, made by an authorized translator, whose signature to be legalized by a notary public.
with whom the house adjoins vertically and horizontally is needed - forumular ; If there is no British Student Phone Number List activity at the professional headquarters, then the administrator is forced to submit a declaration on his own responsibility attesting to the fact that there is no activity at the headquarters. Declaration regarding the real beneficiary of the legal entity - indicative model declaration of real beneficiary, registered under a private signature . If you decide to handle the establishment of the SRL yourself, the fee charged by the Trade Registry for publication in the Official Gazette is 122 lei. If you choose to work with a law firm or a consulting firm, the fee can be between 300 lei and 1,000 lei; companies that have the possibility to submit documents online charge a higher rate. 2.d. CAEN online store The CAEN code for an online store is 4791 – Retail trade through order offices or via the Internet.
This class includes retail trade through mail order houses or via the Internet. For example, the buyer chooses the product from advertisements, catalogs, from information provided by a website, from layouts or other means of advertising and makes the order by mail, by telephone or via the Internet (usually by special means provided by a website). The purchased products can be delivered to the customer by mail or courier or can be downloaded directly from the Internet. Opening steps for an LLC Reservation of the name, which you can do online on the ONRC website or at the counter; Completing the above-mentioned documents; Arranging the documents in a file with a rail and numbering the tabs from the end to the beginning in the upper right corner for the document opis; Submitting the file to ONRC;