The process of discovering new content by following hyperlinks on the web. Indexing: The process of storing all web pages in a vast database. Web spider: A piece of software designed to perform crawling operations at scale. Googlebot: Google's web spider. Here's a Google video explaining it in detail: When you search for something on Google, you are asking Google to return all relevant pages from its index. Since there are millions of matching pages, Google's ranking algorithm does its best to sort the pages to display the best and most relevant results first. The important Bermuda Email List point I want to emphasize here is that indexes and rankings are different things. Index means "participating in the race" and ranking means "winning". In other words, if you
don't participate in the race, you can't win. How to check if you are indexed by Google Go to Google and search for "site:yourwebsite.com (your URL)". *For yourwebsite.com, enter the domain you want to know. site-search-indexing.png The numbers above indicate roughly how many of your pages have been indexed by Google. If you want to check the index status of a specific URL, use the same " site:yourwebsite.com/web-page-slug " operator . google_site_search_web_page.png If the page is not indexed, no results will be displayed. Note that if you are a Google Search Console user, you can use the Coverage report to get more accurate insight into how your website is being indexed. Proceed as follows: Google Search Console > Index > Coverage google-search-console-valid-pages.png Check the number of

valid pages with warnings. If the two numbers in the red box above add up to something other than zero, Google has indexed at least some of your website's pages. Otherwise you are in serious trouble. Because none of your web pages are indexed. Note: Not a Google Search Console user? Please register. Free. Website owners looking to get traffic from Google should use Google Search Console. It's such an important tool. You can also check if a particular page is indexed using Search Console. To do this, paste the URL into a URL inspection tool . If the page is indexed, it will say "URL is on Google". (※refer to the following) url-is-on-google-search-console.png If the page is not indexed, it will say "URL not on Google". page-is-not-on-google-search-console.png To be indexed by Google If you find that your website or webpage is not indexed by Google, try the following steps: Access Google Search Console Go to URL inspection tool Paste the URL you want Google to index into the search bar.