For example, maybe you want to attract a specific shopper to your eCommerce store. To attract attention, you offer a 15% off coupon for those that take a five-question quiz about their product preferences. While you’re actively gathering data about your ideal buyer, they’re getting the value of a discount for finishing the quiz. It’s a win-win for all! But online quizzes aren’t the only way to attract customers. There are plenty of other methods, such as infographics, slideshows, games, live streams, videos, audio, and so much more.
Bottom line: interactive marketing disrupts the status quo and invites your audience to take part in engaging with your brand in exchange for something of value. GETTING STARTED WITH INTERACTIVE CONTENT What Makes Interactive korean mobile number Marketing Special? The part that makes interactive marketing special is that there are no limits to what you can do. With a creative team, you could make almost any traditional marketing campaign an experience that helps your brand stand out. Customer engagement is a big deal and companies who take an interactive approach often see a remarkably higher level of it.

Why? You are guiding the customer through the actions you want them to take instead of hoping they’ll do it on their own. Brands that are able to create these types of interactive campaigns also usually end up with a much more loyal customer following. but the general consensus is that memorable marketing campaigns stick with consumers longer, which then makes it easier to recall the name of that company when looking for a particular product or service. 11 Best Interactive Marketing Examples Now that we know the basics of what interactive marketing is and the benefits of using it, let’s dive further into a few examples of companies that are executing it correctly.