Therefore, publishing content outside the domain is an efficient way to generate engagement and strengthen your brand awareness. Little by little, more users will understand, know and be interested in the content you offer. While sponsored links and are great for attracting readers to your pages, getting started can be tricky. Therefore, it can be beneficial to know that those working in the BB model are accustomed to using Medium or LinkedIn to view new posts . Don't forget the newsletters Most likely, your audience is people with a work routine with several tasks and obligations, that is, they will not always have time to visit blogs or social networks to see new content.
Therefore, you should take advantage of an even more direct and Phone Number List important feature : newsletters . Depending on the profile of your target, the content of a newsletter can be a little more informal. The important thing is to take advantage of the closest contact with the user to present your content and potentially become a source of essential information for the recipient. Uses of visual content Even though the main focus of Content Marketing is writing, it is necessary to know how to use other resources to improve the efficiency of your actions. Use images, videos, graphics, and even screenshots to illustrate your texts and enrich the user's experience while reading.

Invest in Interactive Content In addition to visual content, another way to make your posts more enjoyable is by investing in interactive content . They are resources that will demand the participation of the reader, increasing their engagement and interest: customizable graphics , interactive calculators and, in short, everything that encourages more meaningful user interaction. With the use of these resources, you increase even more the efficiency of your actions and communication strategies. To get an idea of the impact of interactive content, it can generate up to 4 or 5 times more views than passive content and increase the conversion rate by up to double .