This - happens because the same nonsense has been parroted for years now : that the keyword must be repeated a certain number of times in the contents , that the texts must be long, as long as possible, longer than all the others. And so the broth is lengthened, even when it is not needed, and those "introductions on the pippone Aranzulliano model" are created which, before getting to the heart of the matter, also tell you the story of Adam and Eve, you know? Hi Salvatore, I love you.
Not to mention the images, which instead of being chosen for their Bosnia and Herzegovina Mobile Number List communicative value are placed there as placeholders, as a note of colour. Communication? Adios… and you can believe me when I tell you that link building won't help you! Unfortunately, once the infection has started, it is difficult to stop. The so-called SEO writing techniques first infected bloggers, communicators and copywriters who deal with web content, up to publishing and the world of the press, with the result that today the average journalist writes decidedly worse than his counterpart twenty or thirty years ago (and often even without an editorial calendar).

In short, it's a tragedy. And everything is actually based on a gigantic misunderstanding, on a wrong assumption. At the origin of this whole mess is in fact the belief that Google reads the texts published online to evaluate their quality. What Google understands about your content, actually Repeat with me. Google doesn't know if you write well.