Are you resting?! He must have suffered. To say tourist is out of the question. It is a fight, a daily fight between ignorant people who came from the villages that are near the sea generously gifted by God, who want to rape, extort, bite without offering anything, Albanian fools who agree to pay 50 euros a night for four walls with an air conditioner the size of a pack of cigarettes that doesn't work anyway because there is no voltage. Come on fool! 50 euros. You work three to four days for that amount of money. You save the whole year for a few days. You stay with the wise and gentle idiot boss thinking that you will relax those 10 days.
How are you Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data going to relax, you fool?! As soon as you enter the hotel in the wonderful south, you have paid the money for the days you will stay (Euro conversion), immediately ask: where is the hotel beach? An answer like a hammer comes from the waiter with a few pricked ears: Here is the hour where the beach is, 5 thousand lek are the sunbeds. Read also: "Trak comes out on the side, screams and runs away..."/ Conversation between Suchi and Kassander Noga: Byrazer... What happened? Fation Kuqari immediately leaves the house of "BBV" And hang the turinjte in the ears of the sperfuhuri, do you say this was the question before the end of the world.

How can you have fun, when you go to a restaurant with the greatest pleasure, make a reservation at the time you like, and a large number of guests, and when all the pleasure comes from the beach, you find the booked place to be occupied!!! Why??? Another pitiful waiter just laughs, how are you busy stealing tomatoes? You see with sadness and pain this idiot of the Albanian tourist days, but why? Why should you feel pain and sadness for the fool of these idiots who only collect lek and euro without offering even the minimum. Because you go early in the morning to drink a coffee, after enjoying the sea, I emphasize to God, and since it's very early, you want to lower the volume of the music.