本帖最後由 afsanamaya2024@ 於 2024-3-4 14:46 編輯
Since implementing them and verifying their correct functioning is now child's play, there really is no reason why you shouldn't rush to implement them now. So, what are you still doing here? Hurry! How to appear on Google: Submit your sitemap to the search engine This is the first thing to do if you want the crawler to be able to crawl the pages of your website. When you submit your sitemap you are literally submitting the map of all your pages.
In this way you allow Google to become Email Data aware of them, be able to evaluate them and position them for the keywords for which it finds a match. Sending the sitemap is ALWAYS recommended , otherwise it could take weeks before your site is indexed, understand? Sending the sitemap is simple and you don't need web consultancy to do it. First you need an account on Google Search Console , SEO analysis software made in Google which, if it isn't already one, will soon become your best friend.

Go to Google and search for the key “ Google Search Console “; click on the first result and enter the username and password for your Google account . how to appear on google: access to search console If you haven't already done so, your goal now will be to register your site on Search Console so you can use all its potential to your advantage and your SEO. To start the procedure, click on the red "Add a property" button. how to appear on google search console properties From this moment you must follow the simple guided procedure whose official references you can find here .