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A site that is not my competitor, produced content before?









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發表於 2024-3-14 17:01:23 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Your website will have pages belonging to various areas. On a website with high user experience, content belonging to certain areas should be collected under certain categories. This is important to create a site architecture with high user experience. categorization In this regard, by determining the appropriate permalink to your website, you can ensure that both search engines and users can use your website better. SEO categories The image above shows the categories of our website. You can also create your own website architecture using our website as an example. You should avoid using dynamic URLs on your website. The SEO compatible URL you use will enable both search engine spiders and users to better identify your page.

The dynamically generated URL structure will not provide any preliminary information about the page. dynamic url The example in the image above is for dynamic URL. Search engines have problems indexing such URLs. Therefore, you need to choose the Marketing List type of URL that will identify your page. 2. Using Keyword Rich URLs After determining the permalink structure that is compatible with your website, you should start thinking about what keywords should be included in the URL. Just like the keywords in your articles, the keywords in the page URL help search engines identify what your content is about. Due to this effect, using the main keyword in the URL would be an appropriate decision in terms of SEO. url keyword The image above shows the increase in organic traffic we get by including keywords in the URL of a website.

The fact that we achieved such high traffic just by changing the URL is a clear indication of the impact of using SEO-compatible URLs. When using keywords in the URL, you need to pay attention to the search volumes of the relevant keywords. Using keywords with high search volume will help you get higher traffic. You can use tools like Semrush to find out what keyword volumes are. When you type your main keyword in the search box in your Semrush account and click on the search button, you will see the search volumes of the relevant keywords after a short wait. semrush search volume The image above shows the keywords and search volumes that the system offers us as a result of searching for the word website.


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