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This kind of material is great to work with









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-1-28 13:47:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Believe us, users are consuming all kinds of content every time on the platform and they will notice if there is any sign of plagiarism or repetitive videos. The good news is all of TikTok’s tools are thought of as ways to facilitate originality, even when getting someone else’s content and turning it into your own thing. Do you want an example? It is very common to see videos in which the performer uses a piece of music or video as background for an original piece.

Also, all the time these C Level Contact List types of videos go viral and become material for reinterpretations and collages. When that happens, engagement goes through the roof. Content like that becomes the base for challenges, something really popular on TikTok. To participate, the user has only to click on the audio’s name and embed it. That original piece is credited in the post as we can see below: 2. Make use of popular songs In the example above, you can see the “original sound” description.

It means that the audio was created by a TikTok user, especially for content creation.but you can also go for popular songs, already known by the general public. To make it more appealing, choose songs in accordance with your target audience or, better yet, your buyer persona. Using the data you have on them, try to identify their tastes in music and content, so you can bring them even closer. To find and use audio in your original content, just type the name of the song or artist in the search bar and select the “sounds” option.


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