Embedding technology will make it easier to analyze unstructured data and help product managers extract valuable information from large amounts of text and user feedback. This will help product managers quickly respond to market changes and optimize product strategies.In daily design, color is an element that cannot be ignored. It can be said that apart from shapes and fonts, it is the element that best expresses atmosphere. a brand’s status, emotions, etc. . In this article, the author has compiled a color design guide, let’s
take a look. We all know that the five elements in our Afghanistan WhatsApp Number daily design are "shape, color, word, structure, and quality". The contents of these five parts are closely connected to form an entire product design system. Among them, color is a particularly important content when we design. In addition to shape and fonts, it is the element that best expresses the atmosphere of a negative review. With good color design, we can usually feel the state, mood, emotion, and spiritual content of a brand product through brand color. Color is also a factor that is particularly

easy to distinguish between brands or industries. Therefore, we can see that different brands have different color schemes in the market. For example, business-oriented and technology companies will use cool colors (such as Tencent and Facebook), catering companies, etc. Companies in the health industry like to use warm colors (such as Meituan, Dianping, McDonald's), and companies in the health industry like to use green colors (such as Sinopharm, Taikang Life Insurance). T