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This is your website's "home









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You choose according to the ending you want your domain to have (gr, com, net, org, eu, me, site, info, etc.). As an example, we mention that the cost for a .gr domain is 20 euros + VAT every two years, while for a .com domain it is 9.90 euros + VAT per year. After choosing the domain you want, follow the instructions of the registrar and you are ready for the next step. Web Hosting – Website hosting Next, you will need hosting for your website files. All websites on the internet need hosting. This is your website's "home" on the internet. There are many companies that offer web hosting. Each of them offers different subject packages to cover all customer needs.

website hosting - servers Hosting costs As an example, we mention that an economic package (Shared web hosting) can start from 4 euros/month and reach 15 euros per month (for basic services). So, once you have chosen a domain name and purchased a hosting package, installing LOB Directory the wordpress platform is easy, as most website hosting companies provide this feature with one click. You just follow the step-by-step instructions and you're good to go. Note : Regarding the choice of website registrar and hosting for the case that you are creating the website yourself, for obvious reasons we do not mention any specific company. A simple google search is enough to find all the information.

Economical website building with wordpress cms If you still do not wish to go through this whole process, we are at your disposal for any information or clarification regarding wordpress and its possibilities or the detailed cost of building websites with wordpress, registering a domain name and hosting the website. Contact us using the CONTACT FORM. In conclusion, we emphasize what we always say: It is not enough to have a website, a corporate website. This website must be visible to search engines and even optimized for them . In short, there is no website that does not need SEO . RELEVANT ARTICLES Email marketing: What it is, benefits and advantages Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business [...] MORE Creating a website with wordpress Is it easy to create a website with wordpress?


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