Thanks for your post. Login to respond Ana Martin del Campo Good morning Julian, Thank you very much for your comment, I am very happy to know that you liked this article. We invite you to try one of our free courses, you will surely find one of your interestBlockchain has revolutionized the financial market in recent years. It is a technology based on a decentralized and public operations blockchain. It generates a shared database to which its participants have access, who can track every transaction they have made. Its character is given to innovation and it is especially known because it is the technology that developed Bitcoin.
If you are interested in the sector, find out where to study ID Number List Blockchain from scratch. Keep reading! You may be interested in Master in Blockchain INDEX OF CONTENTS Where to study Blockchain Although it is a relatively new technology, there are multiple resources with which we can begin to understand this area better. Take note of where to study Blockchain! MASTER IN BLOCKCHAIN Become a blockchain expert I want to find out! The best Blockchain books The Blockchain Developer is a very interesting book for all those interested in delving into the technical aspects of Blockchain to start new projects or continue existing projects.

The author is Elad Elrom and it is a practical guide to designing, implementing, publishing, testing and securing blockchain-based projects. of the Internet is a book coordinated by Alex Preukschat and carried out with the collaboration of professionals such as Carlos Kuchkovsky, from BBVA, Gonzalo Gómez, from IECISA, Daniel Díez, from Everis and Iñigo Molero, from OroFinanzas. This book talks about how the appearance of the blockchain in has given rise to a new economic pattern based on the decentralization of trust, where we will all be able to exchange goods and services without the need for third parties.