You can make big profits without putting it all on the line during the first year. Certainly not uncommon. People who say it won't happen anytime soon can't be put off. I've had tremendous success with some of my small businesses within the first year, and sometimes even within the first six months.
Focus on your key milestones You must have a consistent direction. It's the same principle for any new project. Create realistic goals and track your progress. Do the same with your small business. Create Azerbaijan Email List daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, and annual goals. Don't be afraid to be ambitious with them. Push yourself at all times to greater heights. You need help Perhaps the most important thing I've ever learned from starting a small business is that everyone needs help.

Everyone needs a mentor. 90% of all successful entrepreneurs got help from someone else. This could be a family member, a friend, or just a mentor you met at a conference somewhere.Seek help from those who are more successful than you. Be prepared to be humble and don't assume you know everything because you don't. When I first started it was easy for me to want to maintain control and want to do everything myself. That was a stupid idea and my progress was slower because of it. Open your mind and leave ego at the door.