BMW is said to be the "ultimate driving machine." Consumers are not the only target of brand marketing. Companies sometimes use this type of marketing to improve their reputation on the stock market or to attract human resources to their company (employer branding). example Honestly, I fell in love with this ad. I fell in love with him right away. I bought Lego and it made me want to ``rebuild the world.'' This ad briefly introduces LEGO products. But more importantly, it emphasizes your brand and shapes its image. I don't know if you'll agree with me, but this ad frames
LEGO as a Bhutan Email List positive, non-violent, cognitively stimulating toy for everyone. And this is a toy for tomorrow's builders. A world built on diversity, respect, and mutual aid, a world that is not zero-sum. And that's the case with all of them, regardless of which Lego set you buy. And through brand marketing, Lego was able to convey that message in 60 seconds. 13. Direct marketing Direct marketing is a strategy in which companies communicate directly with their targets without using mass media. Direct marketing is typically chosen due to its low cost (compared to mass media), the ability to personalize the message, and the likelihood that the audience will respond to the message (e.g. through an included form). example We are all recipients of direct marketing. Proof of this is the small metal box that most people have next to their mailbox, which is used to neatly keep unwanted flyers and catalogs in one place. You can also tell by the fact that these kinds of signs are everywhere. 27-no-junk-mail.jpg But let me give

you a positive and effective example of direct marketing. These are the first few catalogs from IKEA. The IKEA business started with direct marketing. IKEA was a little different back then. They didn't sell mainly furniture, but almost everything. This is an example of an IKEA mail order catalog from 1950. 28-ikea-1950-catalog.jpg Nowadays, you can just go to an IKEA store and get something. There's no need to mail it. What's more, you can check inventory and make purchases online from the comfort of your home. This was the idea for the first IKEA catalog, set in a world without the internet or television. It's an original (but far from original) solution to reach more potential customers and "reduce the friction" of purchasing products. And for people living in remote parts of Sweden at the time, the catalog symbolized a wide variety of styles delivered to their door.