You can find this option in Yoast's settings section. Yoast > Social > Facebook Make sure the toggle is set to "enabled" and upload the appropriate image. Image settings for your brand image are most effective here. Setting up Open Graph tags in Shopify Most Shopify themes pull OG tags from variables such as og:title for title tags and og:image for featured images . The only tag you can customize in Shopify's UI is the site-wide og:image . Online Store > Themes > Customization > Theme Settings > Customization > Social Media > Select an appropriate image. If you want to see how it's set up, go to social-meta-tags.liquid in Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit Code > Snippets > Scrollbar.
You can edit the code if necessary. Setting up Open Graph tags in Wix Wix pulls common OG tags from other variables like the page's meta Western Sahara Email List title and description. The OG title, description, and image for each page can be customized in the "Social Share" settings. It is also possible to set a custom OG image for the entire site. Open "Settings" > "Social Share" in the main menu. Overall, Wix makes it easy to add OG tags since you don't have to hard code them. Set up Open Graph tags in Squarespace Squarespace uses the page title and meta description for og:title and og:description . You can set a custom og:image for each page . Go to "Page Settings" → "Social Image" → "Upload". If you need to add other OG tags or customize the default settings, go to Page Settings > Advanced Settings > Page Header Code Injection. Read the next section for adding tags manually and copy-paste the code there.

Manually configure Open Graph tags Adding an OG tag is as easy as pasting it into the <head> section of your web page. Consider using markup generation tools like Mega Tags or Web Code Tools to reduce syntax errors . How to test and debug Open Graph tags Once all your tags are in place, you need to make sure they work as expected and are ready to share. Use these tools to do that. Facebook sharing debugger Twitter Card Validator LinkedIn Post Inspector They all work the same way. It takes tags from a page and shows you what it looks like when shared. Testing is also useful to prevent issues with OG tags not displaying properly or not being pulled .