Google Business Profile “Specify business category” Google Business Profile “Specify business category” Next, specify your business category. Set the best category as it will have the most impact on your search. Google Business Profile “Check if the location can be visited by users” Google Business Profile “Check if the location can be visited by users” Next, select whether it's a location that customers can physically visit. Google Business Profile “Enter address” Google Business Profile “Enter address” Next, enter your business location/address. To ensure uniformity of NAP information , please enter the address using the same notation as the address posted on the website.
Google Business Profile “Confirm on-site services” Google Business Profile “Con Consumer Mobile number Database firm on-site services” Next, specify whether or not on-site service will be provided. Select "Yes" for delivery or dispatch type business. Google Business Profile “Contact phone number and website registration” Google Business Profile “Contact phone number and website registration” Then enter your contact phone number and website.

Business Profile “Select owner verification (obtain verification code) method” Google Business Profile “Select owner verification (obtain verification code) method” Finally, select the owner verification method (obtain verification code). To confirm the owner, select from the options displayed. In addition to sending postcards, you may also have the option of video chatting or recording. This completes the registration of your Google Business Profile. Guidelines are established for each item. To avoid violating the guidelines, be sure to understand the contents of the guidelines and enter correct information.