Think of these color combinations as your tools. Since these combinations all work, you won’t have to worry that your colors don’t match.Now that you know the exact combinations you can employ, you can think about how to use those together to create a powerful, engaging color scheme.4. Keep it simpleThis might seem like it could get complicated, but it shouldn’t. Instead, when choosing your color scheme, think about simplicity.
A really complicated, busy color scheme often confuses the eye.Keeping Egypt Phone Number List things simple has two big benefits.Perhaps the biggest benefit is that simplicity can effortlessly tie together a color scheme. If you have just a few colors at work, everything will look unified. (Well, at least if you’ve used one of the color combinations mentioned above.)Another benefit is that viewers don’t have to work hard to process what’s going on.
That’s one of the hallmarks of a great website. If you go overboard on the color, your users will be more confused.WordStream’s color scheme is a great example. The homepage uses just three colors: blue, orange, and a splash of green.WordStream's website color schemeBlue and orange are the central colors here, with the page being dominated by different shades of blue. The orange is used for the call to action, and since orange is blue’s complement, the button stands out and draws the eye.