We did not use additional filters for our keywords, and we assume that our sample is representative of the general distribution of keywords. Let's take a look at some of the key findings from this sample: Distribution of unique keywords in the sample by length (words) Distribution of unique keywords in the sample by length (words) Semrush Zero-Click Study Here we see the distribution of search frequency for keywords of certain lengths, with searches of 3 to 4 words coming in at the top.
1-2 word searches follow closely behind, showing South Korea WhatsApp Phone Numbers that the vast majority of searches are relatively short. This distribution seems completely normal for the general distribution of keyword length; In fact, we looked at such metrics in our State of the Research report earlier this year. In the chart below, you can see the breakdown of time a user needs to make a decision on their next step after the first search. As noted in the methodology, this time is limited to two minutes in order to avoid suspicious data from bots.

or extended pauses that might actually come from another session. Breakdown of the number of seconds it takes for users to make a decision after the first search Breakdown of the number of seconds it takes for users to make a decision after the first search Semrush study on zero-clicks If we look at the time it takes people to interpret their search results and act onthem, we see that their decisions are generally very quick. In the vast majority of cases, less than 15 seconds is enough to choose what to click on.