However, since the discussion is not systematic, the knowledge gained tends to be fragmented. 4. Round reading format A reading group is a group of people who read the same book or article and discuss the content to deepen their understanding while also gaining new perspectives from other people's opinions. Read the book beforehand or during the study session, and discuss it in groups.
If you are reading a book on the same day, your reading time is limited, so we recommend that you read a lighter book or separate units. Also, if you use a book reading group format, you will need to have the participants obtain the book, which will incur Special Data additional costs. We recommend a reading group based on articles on the web. There's no need to buy books, so there's no financial hurdle. Procedures for holding in-house study sessions Step 1. Decide the event date First, let's decide on a date. At our company, we often do this once a month on a fixed day of the week starting from 7:15pm to 7:30pm after business hours. By setting a fixed day of the week, participants will be aware that ``this day of the week is the day of the week when there is an in-house study session.

'' Also, our company's closing time is 7:00 pm, so we start our study sessions right after that. If participants have free time after work, they will be in the mood to finish their work, so we set the time so that they can participate in the flow from the end. I think each company has different circumstances such as working hours and core time, so let's set a date and time that is easy for members to participate. Depending on the nature of the study group, it is possible that the study session will be held during business hours and members will be forced to participate.