By making it a conversation and highlighting it on your blog, you'll have a better chance of staying ahead of the sales cycle. At Plezi, we use this inbound/outbound combination in our prospecting. We cold prospect by contacting our B2B targets…but once the connection is made, we deliver it through inbound content. “The two strategies go hand in hand. We always have customers who don’t know us or don’t know we can solve their problem.
With an inbound strategy, we can redirect them to the Phone Number Data website or send them great content in real time. Showcase our expertise. You can't say no to one or the other, you have to know how to combine them." Inbound will quickly become your secret weapon because it was originally designed to make your job easier : Your prospects are qualified, you have a clear message to start a conversation with them, and you're better equipped every day. Feeling tempted? At Plezi.

You must have noticed: buying habits have drastically changed the last few years, particularly in B2B. Long gone are the days when it was enough to chase after your prospects. Just as with B2C, where 80% of the sales cycle is done online, without any salesperson involved, B2B prospects are turning away, more and more, from their traditional buying habits.