Navigation Search Transactions Transactions Search queries related to purchases. For example, a user may want to purchase a product, find a store address, or compare prices. This type of search is valuable because it can lead directly to a sale because the user is already at a more advanced stage of the process. Transactional Search Information Informational search queries are when users are looking for information about a topic, product, or brand. At this point, they don’t know what they want yet because they are at the beginning of the buying process.
Information Search LocalLocal search queries have a geographical component within a defined area. For example, these could include users searching for restaurants, movie theaters, shops, hotels, schools or offices and other establishments with a physical location. can France Phone Number Data also perform other types of searches, such as: News Organizations Music Academics Punctual Information (Weather, Dates, etc.) Images Videos Please note that for each search type, Google is constantly looking to provide more specific results. For product searches (deals), you'll receive offers from Google Shopping.

When you look up a song, results include lyrics and music videos on YouTube. The goal is to improve the search experience by providing users with more responsive and precise results. Keyword Types In addition to the type of search, we also need to consider the types of keywords used to find results on the web. There are two types of keywords: head and tail keywords and long-tail keywords. They refer to the two extremes you can see in the image below and correspond to different stages of the process. The further to the right the keyword is, the more specific the keyword comes from users who are closer to the purchase decision.