She gained attention by distributing content for moms,'' which was currently unoccupied at the time, from her professional standpoint as a midwife. The channel has gained sympathy from people who are worried about raising children, and as of 2024, the number of channel subscribers has increased to 478,000. He produces products himself, and guides the target customers he attracts on YouTube to his official online shop, "Babu Babu Store." We have succeeded in creating a system from attracting customers to monetization . We also upload two videos a day, which is a great way to differentiate ourselves from our competitors. You can also use it as a reference for corporate channels, from character settings to conductor design.
Arugometorii Arugoto Merry Suc Laos Phone Number Data cess Story This is a success story of ``Arugometorii,'' which has gained more than 1 million subscribers by making videos of mysterious incidents and scary stories that have happened around the world . The TV program-like structure and VTR have many points that companies can use as reference. The light-hearted talk by the two MCs will keep viewers from getting bored. Most of the videos are over 10 minutes long, but they keep you interested until the end. By giving a sense of unity to the thumbnail images, it is easy to notice that it is a certain Gome Tori Ino when it comes up in recommendations or related items.

Strategies that emphasize attracting people's interest, such as the theme to be handled, the character of the presenter, and the structure of the video, will be helpful. YouTube channel success story ⑥: Scandinavian, lifestyle tool store Scandinavian lifestyle tool store_YouTube success story This is a case study of a ``Nordic lifestyle tool store'' that succeeded in attracting customers to its e-commerce site with its unique worldview . The video content varies from dramas, product introductions, and routine videos. Despite this, the world view of all videos is unified, and the flow line up to product purchase is designed. We were able to do this because we were conscious of target design and flow line design from the time we opened the channel.