Of values such as: DR, Traffic, times shared on networks, Author, etc. After the filters you can see that we have a graph that shows us the frequency of publication of these contents over time (in this case from 2016 onwards). Content explorer in Ahrefs Content, content and more content. A beautiful list of domains that have created such content. You can see their authority on Google, how many backlinks they have achieved thanks to that post, traffic they currently receive for that post and how many times it has been shared on networks. What can all this be used for? For many things.
First of all, filtering for broken links can allow you to do outreach and communicate with those webmasters to tell them that they have broken links, and if you have made an article on the same topic, have them see your content and in the long Iraq WhatsApp Number Data run you could ask them to link to you. Second, thanks to this tool inside Ahrefs you will be able to find the most viral content on the internet + those that receive the most traffic. Third, you will understand what they did or what it is about these posts that has worked so much and you will be able to learn from them.

Fourth, to steal ideas. And so I can continue thinking of a million reasons. 10. Your community Ahrefs became one of the best SEO software in part because of how good its community is. It has several managers who are fully involved in social networks in order to: Manage and solve user problems Request feedback on new updates Hold raffles and giveaways And they do it with a real sense of pride in working at Ahrefs. They also have one of the best YouTube channels in the SEO world with a huge collection of strategies, tips and tricks to improve your SEO using the tool.