69.99 per month. This package comes with ads, much like a basic cable subscription, but for 75.99 per month you can have access to all three streaming services and live TV without commercial interruptions.Hulu Original Movie Premieres in 2022Prey (2022)mber Midthunder and Dane DiLiegro in Prey. Photo Courtesy David Bukach/Hulu/Everett CollectionNTThe latest installment of the Predator franchise is taking things back to basics with this tale of a Comanche warrior (Amber Midthunder) who has to fight to survive against a technologically superior enemy who hunts humans for sport.
As the hunter becomes the hunted she has to use everything she’s learned — and everything at Germany WhatsApp Number Data her disposal — to defeat this seemingly invincible enemy and save her tribe.Not Okay (2022)From left Dylan O’Brien and Zoey Deutch in Not Okay. Photo Courtesy Nicole Rivelli/Searchlight Pictures/Everett CollectionThis modern take on the boy who cried wolf for the internet age follows the misadventures of Dani (Zoey Deutch), a graphic designer working a thankless job for an internet publication. When she stumbles into internet fame during a fake vacation that she fabricates to impress her love interest at work, her lies get and complex.

At first, she relishes her fame — but the internet has a funny way of changing all that. The Princess (2022)From left Veronica Ngo and Joey King in The Princess. Photo Courtesy 20th Century Studios/Everett CollectionThis isn’t your typical fairy tale. Far from being content to wait in the tower to be rescued, this particular princess, played by the powerful Joey King, is ready to rumble. When her kingdom’s castle is seized by a jilted suitor (Dominic Cooper), the titular hero must escape from captivity in the tower to fight her way through an army of thugs and save her kingdom.Good Luck To You, Leo Grande (2022)Emma Thompson and Dary.